VIP (Very Important Person) is a system introduced to support and encourage autonomous student learning and the usage of WLC SAC programs. Students may receive 1 stamp for each session attended at any one of our programs. As stamps are collected, students are able to level up in the VIP system. 20 stamps to become a Mint Member, 60 stamps for Bronze, 100 stamps for Silver, 140 stamps for Gold, 180 stamps for Black, and 220 stamps for the ultimate level of Diamond Member. All VIP Members are recognized and congratulated at the end of the semester VIP ceremony and are also given benefits including fast passes for programs and personalized VIP passes. Furthermore, students achieving Silver Member or Black Member are awarded a 2000 or a 3000 Yen book voucher respectively. The system is designed to aid in motivating students with additional benefits for every level achieved.


Program Reservation

To make a reservation, log in to the Portal site (PLAS), then click Personal > Links > WLC Reservation System (under WLC Services).
For more information regarding events or WLC SAC Programs, please check our Instagram and Facebook account. (@wlcsoka).